Diverse Learning Environments

Infant | 6 Weeks - 1 Year
This room is where our children range from 6 weeks old to one year and start their foundation for learning! Small class size ensures that your new addition is receiving the care and attention that little ones very much require.
Young Toddler | 1 Years Olds
This is our Young Toddler Room where one-year old children come to learn! In such early ages, we know how important interaction is to brain growth. Here, your child will be provided with such opportunity to have a great start in development!

Older Toddlers | 2 Year Olds
Our Older Toddler Room is our space for two-year old children. A mix of planned lessons and social-emotional education go a long way for developing minds!
Pre-School & Pre-K | 3-4 Year Olds
This group encompasses our two rooms devoted to preschool aged children (three-year olds) and pre-kindergarten aged children (four-year olds and five-year olds who miss the kindergarten cutoff). These groups work closely together to grow and learn about important and age appropriate material before heading off to kindergarten! Your children will be introduced to curriculum ideas and well thought out daily lesson plans relevant in early childhood settings – this will ensure that your children are off to a great start in regards to their foundation for learning! In this group we take pride in the various opportunities allotted for preschool and pre-k…in the classroom and implementing real-world instances and exposures in our community!

School Age | 5-12 Year Olds
Our School Age program handles those children who are old enough to attend school and range five-years old through twelve-years old. Our site offers before and after care as well as care for snow days, days off of school and half days. Our facility is listed as a pick up and drop off location through Wyoming Area’s bus route. Our facility is ready to adapt to the changes that are currently being made with your child’s school district in regards to efforts made to keep children safe and healthy in the upcoming school year. Reach out to learn more about how we are working with the school district plans to make the most of this school year!
We acknowledge how fortunate we are to be together in this center and we want to pay what we can forward by making sure to implement certain traits and morals into our children so that they are able to make an impact on the future of our communities. For this reason, we take part in many community projects and help local non-profits in different ways that we are able. If you know of a charity or community partnership that we are able to connect with, please do not hesitate to reach out on our Contact Page or by email!
Completed Community Projects
Blue Chip Farm Animal Refuge

World Kindess Day Projects To Three Local Nursing Homes

Food Pantry Collection